Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tater Tot- 3yrs, 8.5 months; Small Fry-25 months; Baby Sprout- 7 months

"Every day is the same, yet vastly different." Kate Gosselin

Every day I beg for five more minutes of sleep.
Every day I decide nothing can help this growing mane and I have no time for a flat iron so scrunching with hairspray it is again.
Every day I pick up sippy cups.
Every day I load the dishwasher. Sometimes twice.
Every day I stare at a mountain of laundry and think, "Why start it when I won't have time to finish it?"
Every day I try in vain to teach Small Fry a new word or baby signs or colors or shapes and get no response.
Every day I struggle up the stairs with too many things and kids hanging off of me and not enough hands.
Every day someone falls down.
Every day I rescue a cat from over-affection.
Every day I pray for Spud to get home just a few minutes early.
Every day I wonder how I'm going to make it through the next.


  1. I recently had an insurance salesman tell me about his girl friend that had been a stay at home mom for the last six years he said "must be nice to be on vacation all the time". I don't know if he was trying to win me over, but it didn't work. At least most jobs have a time of the day when you are off work. I think that is why I have the house hold policy that I do. Anything I can get done before kids go to bed I will do, and any time after that is mine to do with it what ever I want. It can be so hard and then at the end of the day I sometimes only have the energy to watch a movie and I feel like the worlds most boring human being. I am sorry that small fry isn't into communicating. That has to be really difficult.

  2. I just want you to know you are not alone. My days are very similar. Mixtures of repetition, frustration sprinkled with occasional beautiful moments.
