Saturday, January 17, 2009

38 Weeks

All right. It's time to get in shape. Not to lose weight, of course, but to prepare my body for giving birth in two weeks (more or less). So I'm blogging, bouncing on a birthing ball, balancing the laptop on the edge of the bed, occasionally leaning forward and stretching my legs like I was back in ballet class. In fact, I haven't been in some of these positions since then (nearly 10 years ago!)

And we went for a walk today since it was sunny, mild, and probably the only day in the next couple weeks without a threat of snow flurries (I know - sorry PA people who are knee deep in snow and below 0 temperatures!) We walked 8 blocks down to the riverfront, shopped around for a few blocks, and then 8 blocks back. The last eight were getting a little rough because the sun was starting to set and the wind was picking up, faces were getting cold and legs were getting tired.

Last night I walked around Wal-Mart for an hour and a half while Spud was doing "man things" at Lowe's and felt successful in using intensive walking to get myself just a tad bit closer to giving birth soon. Oh, and of course, I worked for my last day on Thursday - on my feet for 6 hours and surveying the same department in endless laps during that time.

Speaking of work, I worked up until New Year's Eve and assumed that I was on maternity leave starting January 1st because they failed to schedule me as far as I could tell. Then I noticed one random day on the 15th, with nothing else scheduled before or after that. 'A fluke,' I thought, but I printed up a letter detailing the dates for my maternity leave, just in case they decided to randomly schedule me for any days at the end of January or in February. I found a template online of how to write a letter for maternity leave that basically stated that I am pregnant (good to have on record, for legal reasons) and that I plan to be officially unavailable for work one week before my due date and for at LEAST six weeks after the day I give birth. I left that date open because I could be two weeks late (making the Tater Tot's birthday somewhere around Valentine's Day) and then work might expect me to come back four weeks later, since I only stipulated I wanted 6 weeks from January 31st (my official due date).

If all goes well, I expect to come back sometime in mid-to-late March, if not early April. I would like to only be scheduled 1-3 nights and weekends per week, as I asked when I was first hired but somehow kept getting scheduled for mid-days and openings. Once the tot comes though, Spud will be unavailable (even though he works at home) during the days so the ONLY time I can work is in the evenings and on the weekends. I'm not going to pay someone to watch my child while Jeff is sitting in his office at the house! (Unless there's an emergency or something, of course.)

So, that's what's going on, kids! Just prepping for the Tater Tot to arrive, finishing the nursery, bouncing on my birthing ball, and getting the spare bedrooms upstairs ready for all of our guests who will be arriving soon.... stay tuned for the trek to Louisville airport and back!

This week's complaint: Her butt bones are as sharp as knives!

This week's development: She's packing on the pounds, layers of fat, getting ready for her arrival!

Baby's size: Length of a leek or the size of a watermelon.

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